Our Ecology Events

Our Ecology Events

Our Ecology Events

Follow Garden Ecology Services on Eventbrite and social media to stay updated about upcoming events!

Follow Garden Ecology Services on Eventbrite and social media to stay updated about upcoming events!

Follow Garden Ecology Services on Eventbrite and social media to stay updated about upcoming events!

Tooting Tree Trails

Join me for storytelling and an adventure across Tooting Common to find the trees in my first book: 'I've Found Your Leaf'. Look out for the next trail on Eventbrite!

Garden Ecology T-Shirts

I occasionally design new t-shirts as a teaching resource. If you would like to buy one please click here.

I occasionally design new t-shirts as a teaching resource. If you would like to buy one please click here.

Furzedown Project Community Garden

Furzedown Project Community Garden

I've been helping the Furzedown Project to create their new community garden located in the Bowling Club in Pringle Gardens.

I cleared the area and prepared the ground over a period of 5 months. Then with the help of 12 volunteers we brought in more than 50 wheelbarrow loads of compost and woodchip to create no dig beds!

The garden is a fantastic place for vulnerable local people without gardens to grow, nurture, harvest and eat what they produce. People now have a place to enjoy an active hobby alongside new friends.

If you are interested in volunteering you can click here to find out more about the initiative!

Recognition & Awards

Little Trekkers

I was shortlisted for the Little Trekkers Awards 2023 in the following categories!

- Best Children's Nature Learning Book
- Inspirational Award

Voting has now closed, but I want to give a big thank you to everyone for their support!

Let's Connect

Let's Connect

Let's Connect

Follow us on social media to find out about our upcoming events!

Follow us on social media to find out about our upcoming events!

© Garden Ecology Services 2023